
       At the Evolution Day held in Milan in 2010, with a speech about the current extinction of amphibians.

With Emanuele Biggi at Geo & Geo, talking about amphibians and other herps

       An interview with Franco Andreone on the occasion of a survey work carried out in Andriamanero, within the Isalo National Park.
(2017) In the halls of the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, in Turin, talking about the travel of Magenta

       (2013) Franco in Betampona Strict Nature Reserve, E Madagascar, talking about the astonishing biodiversity of this rainforest.

       (2013) A video realised about the beauties of Betampona Strict Nature Reserve.

An interview at the TV transmission Geo
Salviamo dall’estinzione Mantella cowanii
Gli anfibi, vertebrati minacciati, interview by Emanuele Biggi (Geo), on 1/1172023
Oltre 30 anni di esplorazioni zoologiche
Anfibi e rettili del Madagascar
Studying Scaphiophryne gottlebei
In the Vatoharanana rainforest
Half Earth